• My macOS 11.1 login password wasn’t unlocking System Preferences. I thought I was going insane. Turns out it’s a known issue. Reset your SMC to fix.

  • XR Studios was responsible for Katy Perry’s “Daisies” Extended Reality (XR) peformance on American Idol. Check out the video and behind the scenes on XR Studio’s web site.

  • Manteca gets California’s first Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI). Reduces the potential accident locations from 26 to 14. There’s less opportunities for T-bone style crashes. Safer for pedestrians and bicycles too. Watch the embedded video to appreciate how it works.

  • How to setup sudo to use Touch ID in Terminal.app https://sixcolors.com/post/2020/11/quick-tip-enable-touch-id-for-sudo/

  • In macOS Big Sur, to change the location screen shots are store:

    1. Open Terminal.app and type defaults write com.apple.screencapture location
    2. Add a space at the end after location
    3. Drag and drop the folder you want to the Terminal window
    4. Press Return
  • It was unfortunate when I moved my ~/Library/Mail/V7 to my new MacBook Pro; the “On My Mac” folders weren’t migrated. This article helped me import “On My Mac” folders into Mail.app; and into an Import folder. I wonder if there was any benefit to move the folder since I use IMAP.

  • I find it interesting the “New message sound” is Big Sur’s macOS Mail.app > Preferences and not part of System Preferences > Notifications > Mail. I discovered this because I decided to setup my new MacBook Pro as new (and not use migration assistant).

  • If you ever have the opportunity to hear Caitlin Kalinowski @kalinowski007 speak; take it! I found her enthusiasm to be infectious and left feeling very inspired. I learned about her years at Apple and getting the hardware team going at Facebook.

  • Yup, it was me 😉 @jsnell knows Photos.app inside and out and was quick with the answer. Thanks! sixcolors.com/post/2020…

  • Yes, I had to select the mailbox to pass the Turing Test.

  • watchOS PSA: If you want to get off the beta train, now is a perfect opportunity. Make sure you’re on 7.0 (18R382) and then delete the Beta Profile from your phone Watch > Settings > General > Profiles.

  • iOS PSA: If you want to get off the beta train, now is a perfect opportunity. Make sure you’re on 14.0 (18A373) and then delete the Beta Profile from Settings > General > Profiles.

  • Break a Nav Bar Into Separate Storyboards

    1. Create a new storyboard
    2. Cut the View Controller out of the old storyboard and paste it in the new one.
    3. In the new Storyboard, in the Attributes inspector, set “Is Initial View Controller” and change the Bottom Bar to Opaque Tab Bar
    4. And in the Identify inspector, set Storyboard ID to NewStoryboard.
    5. In the old storyboard, drag out a Storyboard Reference from the Library.
    6. Control drag from the source View Controller to the Storyboard Reference and select “Relationship Segue > view controllers” from the popup.
    7. In the Storyboard Reference’s Attribute inspector, change Storyboard to an item from the dropdown (used NewStoryboard in this example).
    8. Unfortunately the Nav Bar Item icon on the old storyboard appears as a square with the text Item. Haven’t solved that yet.

    I thought I missed “Editor menu > Refactor to Storyboard…” but it will only take 1 view controller with it.

    As of Xcode Version 11.6

  • Glad to see Hidden Brain repeat their “You 2.0” series. “WOOP, WOOP!” changes the question from “what are the obstacles in my path?” to “what is it in me that stands in the way?” WOOP = Wish. Outcome. Obstacle. Plan. www.npr.org/2020/08/2…

  • iOS 14 Beta 5’s Maps was rough durning a long weekend drive. Short series of crashes before navigation would take hold. Castro also had a habit of playing 5 seconds and crashing, but once restarted it was OK. Instagram couldn’t load pics from camera roll. Beta 6 out yesterday!

  • Why do credit card companies send you payment reminders when you’ve already paid? Then you waste your time verifying you did indeed pay it.

  • Unpaired my Watch; backed up my iPhone to the Mac mini; and now it’s time for iOS 14 Beta (18A5301v) and watchOS 7 Beta (18R5310a). Hopefully this will bring some relief to my Watch/iCloud issues. Yes, it’s so bad I’m willing to risk the beta.

  • It seems the macOS installer team wasn’t told the new name for macOS was “Big Sur” as nothing in the install flow says “Big Sur”. 🤔

  • TIL: In Core Data’s Relationship entry for a sub-object, change Delete Rule from the default Nullify to Cascade. Otherwise you’ll have orphaned (undeleted) sub-objects.

  • Obj-C Nullability

    null_unspecified → Default placeholder until one of the following is chosen. Xcode 11.4.1 shows it as [Place]!.



    null_resettable[Place]? → set to nil, resets to default

  • When calling Swift methods from Objective-C, #import Contacts.swift doesn’t work.

    • Leverage the autogenerated headers: #import ProjectName-Swift.h

    • Expose your Swift class properties and methods with @objc

    • Now you can access these Swift exposed elements from Obj-C .m files

  • Using Lightweight Generics allows the Swift compiler to leverage type safety with Obj-C classes.

    @property (nonatomic,strong) NSArray<NSDate *> *dueDates;

    Instead of:

    @property (nonatomic,strong) NSArray *dueDates;

    Works with NSArray, NSDictionary and NSSet.

  • Bridging Header: Expose Objective-C to Swift - Build Setting > Target > Objective-C Bridging Header - YourAppName-Bridging-Header.h (social convention IMHO) - In the newly created header file, #import the .h files you want Swift to see.

  • Q: iOS: How to segue programmatically using Swift? A: performSegue(withIdentifier: "ViewExperience", sender: nil)

  • Q: iOS: How to know if viewDidLoad got called? A: Use isViewLoaded

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